thomassowell #facts #truth.

thomassowell #facts #truth.
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Thomas Sowell argues that the history of racism in America is deeply rooted in its economic history, and his central…
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True! I broke the chain! And it took everything in me. For example, As soon as you get a raise of let’s say $.25 an hour, and if you’re 1 dollar over the threshold they remove food stamps. So my $.25 raise took away let’s say my $400 a month for food… forcing me to get a second job, spending less time with my child, costing more $$ for child care. It’s a joke. There is a better way to offer assistance and better the lives of the recipient… abolishing their dependency on these types of benefits. They system is rigged to keep you dependent on them… I wonder why???
It doesn’t even make sense,We need to wake up!!If our government wants to fuck us over we need to get those POS OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT!!And that’s by force or legally!!
And people wonder why I’ve been working two jobs for years! They can only take some of my work money through taxation but they can take all of your funding cause of a minuscule disagreement or a technicality
Who makes up the majority of government and decisions made.The truth is it's designed for those on the low end to fail
The most underappreciated American hero of all time.
Stopped me from going back to work & Maricopa community college are refusing doctors recommendations that under the Laws are to be accommodated not punished.
Anyone know an attorney that will help with disability fraud? Please help if you can. Cannot breath or swallow serval minutes & nobody will address, anaphylaxis 12-3-2011 & still not back on my blood pressure medication. Please.
yep, has always been back assward
Lmaooo how you share this post but then share a post with a dude talking about blacks got the same playing fields as everyone's else this post obviously proves blacks don't have the same playing field you weird and just do this shit for views fr bro"Even when we succeed they take it away"so either way we're in a Lose Lose situation goof ball
Yankees Hollywood and zionist are devil slave to destroy humanity !
What he left out is how social programs are really designs of the private central bank as a nother person in l)
I agree 100%
If they didn’t, Democrats would get no votes
give more money for success thus motivating it
We've known these issues existed in the system. I'm offended as to how society is handling old old old issues as if theses issues just come to the surface.
Thomas Sowell is one of my absolute favorite speakers and highly respected intellectuals. He doesn’t let narratives come in the way of truth and reality. Just because liberals want everyone to believe some lies he doesn’t flip for them which I applaud.
Has Brett Favre welfare money been taken away?
It’s not a hard concept to grasp. People work on incentives. If there is an incentive to not work and still receive money people will do that. If there is an incentive to work hard and earn more people will do that but, most people aren’t willing to work as hard. The concepts in economics are not hard to understand, people just choose not to understand them.
I received 650.00 mo from the state right after my husband disappeared and ran off to AU w some woman w 4 different identities. When I got a job making 400.00 a MONTH while trying to find a permanent position not only did they take away my money and left me eligible for only 134.00 of the 650.00, they also quit helping me with the task of getting a court order for child support, which meant I'd have to hire a lawyer the cheapest I could find would require a 1200.00 retainer. Tell me how in the AF that's either fair or beneficial to anyone who's trying to create a stable home for kids? Now if I go to Mexico and cross the gotdamn border illegally, my kids and I pretending not to speak English and after having thousands to pay to get over and back across the border tell them I now have no $$ I will be able to get housing that American single parents have to wait up to THREE YEARS TO GET, BUT WILL ALSO BE HANDED SUBSTANTIAL CASH AND FOOD BENEFITS, FREE FURNITURE AND ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS BUT ALSO HAVE MEDICAL DENTAL AND VISION THAT FAR EXCEEDS WHAT THE PPL WHO LEGALLY LIVE IN THIS COUNTRY. PLEASE TELL ME HOW TF THEY ARE BEING ALLOWED TO USE THE MONEY I PAY IN TAXES AND ALWAYS HAVE TO PAY LAW BREAKING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS BUT I CANT GET THE PUA OWED CANT GET HELP GETTING ON OUR FEET IF I WANTED IT CANT HAVE THE PEACE OF MIND EVERY PARENT SHOULD BE AFFORDED BUT EVERY ILLEGAL CAN.. SO WHAT SHALL WE DO? IM TIRED OF THIS NONSENSE!!
Keep the people poor and uneducated so they can control you even more. Hand out some more crack pipes.
Do you really believe there aren't people as smart or better then Sowell that are purposely doing this??
As a welfare recipient myself this is so true. I'm now 60 yrs old and have been off welfare for 25 yrs by then I was a mother fighting for my child and my future. I tried school and failed. My life legacy is nothing everything I could have been I never achieved. Close but denied in the end.
But the other way the so called Right way is to be a Slave of the System …
So the question is WHO Slave are You willing to Be for ???????? Because Everybody can't have Their own business
Prince Hall freemason